St Marys Knockbridge Graveyard Search Results
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St Marys Knockbridge

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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Sands Mary Ardee May 1990 84 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands Edmund   April 1950 Infant 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands Frank   June 2001 56 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands James   November 1841 82 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands James   March 1962 72 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands Peter   July 1836 29 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Sands Margaret   March 1979 83 60 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Patrick Dunbin January 1965   61 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Katie Dunbin April 1980   61 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan John         61 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Jean         61 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Heart John   January 1929   62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
English Family Kilkerley       62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McNello Anne Donaghmore September 1896 58 62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Heart Ellen   June 1976   62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McNello Thomas Donaghmore October 1923 80 62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McNello John   June 1949   62 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Fieldstone           63 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Coleman Patrick   February 1909 70 64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Margaret Belloran October 1905 21 64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Margaret Belloran June 1935 90 64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Alice   March 1956   64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Nelly Belloran June 1974   64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Brigid Belloran February 1970   64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Joseph Belloran July 1975   64 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Margaret   September 1967   65 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Coleman Francis Tullykeel August 1821   65 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Smith Anna Belloran February 1996   66 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Tennyson Mary Belloran January 1962   66 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Smith Richard   February 1994   66 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
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