Belleeks Graveyard Search Results
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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Finnegan Annie   August 1980   64 A Belleeks Armagh
Finnegan Bob   May 1980   64 A Belleeks Armagh
Finnigan Patrick   February 1983   64 A Belleeks Armagh
Finnigan Patsy   January 2006   64 A Belleeks Armagh
McGeough Mary   November 2002   65 A Belleeks Armagh
McGeough Veronica   August 1979   65 A Belleeks Armagh
McGeough James   December 1980   65 A Belleeks Armagh
Watters Bernard Carrowmannon February 1996   66 A Belleeks Armagh
Watters Elizabeth Carrowamannon April 1977   66 A Belleeks Armagh
Burke Sarah   April 1984 69 67 A Belleeks Armagh
Burke Malachy   May 1965 26 67 A Belleeks Armagh
Burke Joseph   May 1978 69 67 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Vincent Carrickgallogy August 2013   68 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Francis Carrickgallogy October 2009   68 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Margaret Carrickgallogy October 1978   68 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Peter Carrickgallogy January 1954   68 A Belleeks Armagh
Monks Brigid Tullyawe June 2002   69 A Belleeks Armagh
Crilly Catherine Cavanakill March 1982 91 70 A Belleeks Armagh
Crilly Lawrence   October 2002 84 70 A Belleeks Armagh
Crilly Thomas   June 1997 63 70 A Belleeks Armagh
Crilly Patrick J. Cavanakill January 1951 75 70 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Gerry Cavanakill July 2014 60 71 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Mary Cavanakill June 1992   71 A Belleeks Armagh
Hughes Frankie Cavanakill September 1960   71 A Belleeks Armagh
McElroy Patrick Carrowmannan September 1975 68 72 A Belleeks Armagh
McElroy Mary Camlough March 1983 77 72 A Belleeks Armagh
Heaney Catherine A.   June 1949   73 A Belleeks Armagh
Heaney Patrick   June 1971   73 A Belleeks Armagh
Heaney Susan   January 1982   73 A Belleeks Armagh
Garvey Bridget   December 1964   74 A Belleeks Armagh
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