Belleeks Graveyard Search Results
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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Cahill Margaret G.   December 1986   50 A Belleeks Armagh
Cahill Patrick   July 1971   50 A Belleeks Armagh
Cahill James   November 1988   50 A Belleeks Armagh
Rooney Patrick Whitecross June 1983   51 A Belleeks Armagh
Rooney Mary Whitecross May 1972   51 A Belleeks Armagh
O'Callaghan James Carrickananny Road June 1985   52 A Belleeks Armagh
O'Callaghan James Carrickananny Road August 2001 32 52 A Belleeks Armagh
Smyth Margaret   December 1991   53 A Belleeks Armagh
Smyth Francis   December 1978   53 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Fergal   August 1977 15 54 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Seamus   December 2002 68 54 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland     April 1966   55 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Michael   December 1963   55 A Belleeks Armagh
Rushe Eileen   June 1978   55 A Belleeks Armagh
Rushe Patrick   April 1981   55 A Belleeks Armagh
Baller Mary   November 2003   56 A Belleeks Armagh
Grant Sarah   September 1981   56 A Belleeks Armagh
Grant Thomas   February 1973   56 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Gerard   December 2013 55 57 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Lucy   February 1973 Infant 57 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Louise   April 1987 Infant 57 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Patrick   February 2011 76 57 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Colm   June 2004 37 57 A Belleeks Armagh
Brady James   February 1930   58 A Belleeks Armagh
O'Rourke Gerard Drumilly July 2007 24 59 A Belleeks Armagh
Murphy Josephine   August 1979 23 60 A Belleeks Armagh
Cleary Peter   April 1976 25 61 A Belleeks Armagh
Boyle Sean   February 1975 21 61 A Belleeks Armagh
McCaffery   Drumilly       62 A Belleeks Armagh
Ward Matilda   January 1979 67 63 A Belleeks Armagh
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