St Marys Knockbridge Graveyard Search Results
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St Marys Knockbridge

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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Geeney Mary A. Dublin St. November 1954   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Geeney Patrick P.   October 1981   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Geeney John J. Dublin St. December 1964   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Marks Billy Dundalk December 1999   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Marks Rosaleen   May 1996   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Marks John J.   June 1946   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Tipping Margaret   May 1892   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Tipping Charles   June 1897   37 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Kitty Millpark November 1984   38 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Pat   January 2013   38 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Carroll Patrick   January 1930   38 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Carroll Annie         38 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Johnson Henry Grange February 1960   39 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Johnson Annie Grange January 1923   39 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Johnson Catherine Grange March 1960   39 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Johnson Nicholas Grange May 1999   39 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Johnson Mary Grange July 1998   39 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McGeough James         40 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McGeough Alice         40 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McGeough Patrick         40 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McGeough Patrick         40 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Hardy Family Dunmahon       41 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Mary   May 1849 21 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Bryan   February 1876 83 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Patrick   December 1850 17 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Margaret   May 1886 58 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Bridget   December 1876 73 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon John   January 1901   42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Margaret   May 1942   42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Conlon Clare     1899 Infant 42 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
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