St Marys Knockbridge Graveyard Search Results
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St Marys Knockbridge

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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Corcoran Rose   April 2007 82 214 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Corcoran Michael   April 1994 82 214 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Corcoran Seamus Greenacres January 1994 43 214 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Corcoran Enda   February 2012 62 214 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
O'Connor Val         215 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Feely Family         216 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Farrell Kathleen Lisheen Park November 1997 57 217 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
O'Kane Liam Lisheen Park July 2005   217 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Keane Sean   January 2018 66 217 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Watters Patrick Grange October 1995 84 218 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Watters Julia Grange October 2002 87 218 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Byrne Mary         219 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth  
Murphy Ellen Knockbridge September 1995 71 220 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Murphy James Grange August 1997 79 220 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Murphy Thomas Grange June 1996 46 220 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Hoey Rosaleen Stephenstown September 1996   221 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Hoey George Stephenstown March 1999   221 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Farrell Family         222 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Raftery Bernard Dundalk November 1997 83 223 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Scully Bernadette Easmuinn July 2010   224 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Scully William Easmuinn January 1995   224 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Mooney Thomas K. Dunbin December 1998 74 225 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Mooney Briege Dunbin February 2013 80 225 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Mooney Thomas G.   February 2005 49 225 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Elizabeth Rathneety December 2011 81 226 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Brennan Val Rathneety February 2017 90 226 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Keane Patrick Little Ash June 2004 86 227 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Marmion Mairead Dunbin October 1998 60 228 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
Marmion Dermot Dunbin January 2003 65 228 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
McMahon Rita Ballyshannon July 2004 79 229 A St Marys Knockbridge Louth
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