Belleeks Graveyard Search Results
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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
McParland Owen   December 1945 63 7 B Belleeks Armagh
McParland Mary   September 2007 72 7 B Belleeks Armagh
McParland Mary   November 1931 43 7 B Belleeks Armagh
Smith Mary   May 1971   8 B Belleeks Armagh
Smith John   October 1954   8 B Belleeks Armagh
Brannigan Phoebe   December 1880 84 9 B Belleeks Armagh
Brannigan Hugh   September 1876 80 9 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Rouark Ann   October 1938   10 B Belleeks Armagh
Collins Michael   December 1879   10 B Belleeks Armagh
Collins Rose Drumilly December 1923   10 B Belleeks Armagh
Collins John   December 1907   10 B Belleeks Armagh
Collins Ann   February 1879   10 B Belleeks Armagh
McKeever Sarah   June 2008 96 11 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Hare Anthony Carrowmannon March 1955   12 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Hare Patrick   May 1992   12 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Hare Annie Carrowmannon January 1987   12 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Patrick   December 1987 67 13 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Patrick       Infant 13 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Patrick Tate Road January 1950 75 13 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Mary   October 1949 27 13 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Mary Tate Road October 1977 85 13 B Belleeks Armagh
McVerry Maggie       Infant 13 B Belleeks Armagh
Carroll Noel   September 2010 42 14 B Belleeks Armagh
Carroll Grace   December 1999   14 B Belleeks Armagh
Walsh Rose Carrowmannon May 1979 62 15 B Belleeks Armagh
Walsh Peter   June 1999 60 15 B Belleeks Armagh
Walsh John Carrowmannon May 1985 71 15 B Belleeks Armagh
Blank           16 B Belleeks Armagh
Murphy Patrick   January 1888   17 B Belleeks Armagh
Murphy Mary   January 1894   17 B Belleeks Armagh
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