Belleeks Graveyard Search Results
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Last Name First Name Address Month Year Age Plot No. Section Graveyard County Image
Blank           103 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Seamus Belleeks September 2005 61 104 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland Elizabeth   August 2013 62 104 A Belleeks Armagh
McGivern Neolagh Tullyawe October 1995 53 105 A Belleeks Armagh
McGivern John Tullyawe December 2014 79 105 A Belleeks Armagh
McParland David   December 2004 28 106 A Belleeks Armagh
Blank           107 A Belleeks Armagh
Blank           108 A Belleeks Armagh
Kelleher A.   July 1991 71 109 A Belleeks Armagh
Kelleher Rose   July 2006 85 109 A Belleeks Armagh
Murray James Barr Road November 2014 80 11B A Belleeks Armagh
Brady Family Tullyah Road       57A A Belleeks Armagh
O'Hara Anne   January 1960   1 B Belleeks Armagh
Babe James   August 2014   1 C Belleeks Armagh
Hayes Patrick J.   May 1974   2 B Belleeks Armagh
Hayes Mary   September 1958   2 B Belleeks Armagh
Hayes Kathleen   December 1915   2 B Belleeks Armagh
Hayes James   October 1941   2 B Belleeks Armagh
Hayes James   October 1987   2 B Belleeks Armagh
Cahill Mary   February 2015   2 C Belleeks Armagh
McElroy Hugh Corromannon May 1872 78 3 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Callaghan John   August 2015 Infant 3 C Belleeks Armagh
Loughran Peter Tullyawe February 1946   4 B Belleeks Armagh
Loughran Patrick   August 1964   4 B Belleeks Armagh
Loughran Catherine Tullyawe August 1958   4 B Belleeks Armagh
Finnegan Shirley   April 2016   4 C Belleeks Armagh
Blank           5 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Dowd Michael   January 2005   6 B Belleeks Armagh
O'Dowd Anne   May 1992   6 B Belleeks Armagh
McParland Peter   July 1952 78 7 B Belleeks Armagh
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