Ballybay 1st Presbyterian Church Graveyard
Plot No. 2

Interred Here:

John Jackson died March 1886

Mary Jackson died September 1882

William Jackson died March 1882 aged 60

John Jackson from Cremorne died November 1851 aged 27

Mary Jackson from Cremorne died June 1868 aged 44

Alexander Jackson from Cremorne died January 1854 aged 36

Eleanor Jackson from Cremorne died January 1851 aged 22

Elizabeth Jackson from Cremorne died June 1866 aged 55

John Jackson from Cremorne died March 1877 aged 67

Bessie Jackson from Longfield died March 1966

Mary Jackson from Longfield died February 1940

Sidney Jnr Jackson from Longfield died May 1924 aged 41

Sarah Jackson from Longfield died April 1902 aged 60

Sara Jackson from Longfield died March 1916 aged 37

Sidney Jackson from Longfield died January 1913 aged 70

No memorials have been added for people buried in this plot. To add a memorial contact IGS at
