Tamney Graveyard
Plot No. UN

Interred Here:

Mary Lynagh from Interred Massmount died 1973 aged 86

Mary Lynagh died 1989 aged 74

Kathleen Callaghan from Ballure died November 1936

James Callaghan from Ballure died November year unknown

Thomas Carr from Ballywhuriskey died 1930 aged 23

Mary Carr from Ballywhuriskey died 1917

John Coyle from Tully died November 1917 aged 70

Brigid Coyle from Tully died March 1925 aged 73

Annie McCarry from Moross

Johnnie McCarry from Moross

Bella Peoples from Doaghmore died September 1926 aged 21

Lizzie Peoples from Doaghmore died 1912 aged 19

No memorials have been added for people buried in this plot. To add a memorial contact IGS at info@irishgraveyards.ie
